Sunday 22 October 2017

Ernest Everhard Speaks his Mind - Oct 22, 2017

Me Too!
A compilation of my thoughts over the week.

Hollywood gossip then: who's dating and who's sleeping with who?
Hollywood gossip now: who's harassed or made inappropriate innuendo to who? 

"Most men, myself included, have our own horror stories about the sexual misconduct of the fairer sex, so called.  Though hopefully we would not use them to impugn the entire female gender.  Many men, myself included, have grave concerns that dogmatic movement feminists are intent on silencing male victims, or on weaponizing issues surrounding harassment and assault so as to stigmatize all male heterosexuality, or similarly conflating all forms of heterosexual flirtation and courtship with the objectification of women, or with eroding due process for men accused of sexual offenses against women, all so as to preserve a narrative of universal female victimhood and male guilt that can, in turn, be leveraged for advantage in public and private relationships.  This is also indefensible and needs to stop.

That does not mean, however, that real sexual harassment and assault of women does not happen and is not an excuse for silencing discussion of it.  Nor do the very real instances of rape and harassment of women justify the silencing of male victims or the concerns of men discussed above.  And let's not forget LGBT victims and perpetrators alike.  Nobody should get a free pass."  From Me Too, on Samizdat Broadcasts.

"He will, as I have, come to the conclusion that most feminism today is not about equality at all, but about the maintenance of a cultural myth of feminine purity and moral superiority. He might not know this intellectually, but he senses it instinctively.

"This means using privilege theory as a legitimizing way of erasing or rationalizing away instances of female misconduct towards men, or of silencing dissent and criticism of feminist ideology, since they jeopardize the narrative of monolithic male power and female victimhood that the myth of innate feminine morality depends upon as an axiomatic foundation." Why That Guy Got Defensive Over Your MeToo Hashtag at The Alternative Left.

"For the dogmatic ideological male feminist, sexually harassing or even assaulting a woman is not a betrayal of his principles, but rather the end result of those principles. He failed to display respect for women because he never really respected them in the first place. He respected only the categories into which his ideological convictions place people. He never respected women as human beings, which is really the only way any kind of person can be respected, rather he objectified them in the most underhanded and duplicitous of ways. So should it ultimately surprise us when he is outed as an abuser, a rapist or a harasser?" The Growing Distrust of Feminist Men at the Alternative Left.

"Neither side really captures the essence of it.  Many leftists no doubt think of themselves in the manner described in the meme.  And there's nothing wrong with it.  Universal health care, education, housing and assistance to the poor are fine things in and of themselves.  The problem with standard leftist arguments is that they assume the right wing disagrees in principle.  Not necessarily.  The ends, as far as the right winger is concerned, do not necessarily justify the means.  That's the basis of the right's objection, and the impasse they find themselves at.

Fair enough, but the right winger is not conceptually framing this properly.  This kind of vulgar economism underlies a lot of right wing fallacies.  The problem with the right wing counterarguments boil down to this: The right winger thinks of socialism as robbing Peter to pay Paul.  This isn't what it is.  It is both Peter and Paul paying into something that both can use when both have need of it.  I bold and italicize this so that its importance can be impressed upon you.  It is crucial to understand this."  Why I am Left Wing at the Alternative Left.

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Critical Theory - the Unlikely Conservatism

If "critical theory" is to be a useful and good thing, it needs to punch up, not down. This is a crux of social justice thinking. ...